Sunday, November 29, 2009

Can I use IE for Firefox work?

My internet work now requires Firefox, My school PC will not let me download software. Is there any way I can open Firefox using IE without software?

Can I use IE for Firefox work?ireland

Wow, most schools now a days are converting to Firefox, because it is so much better than IE. At my school All PCs have Firefox and IE and we can install programs on the computers, but they are wiped out when the system resets at midnight. I would talk to you schools Computer Commons Manager about getting Firefox on all their Computers.

There is two way possibly though. You need to get a FLash drive. Go to

and install it on your flash drive then you should be set to use firefox on your school computers..

Or get a Flash drive with U3 software. I use the Memorex Mini TravelDrive ? U3 They cost $20+ . Once you get one, put it into the USB port of your computer. Click on Download programs from the U3 menu on your travel drive. It will load the U3 software Central From the left menu slect Web Browser and Download the program Mozilla Firefox for U3 ( then you should be set to use firefox on your school computers.

Can I use IE for Firefox work?microsoft outlook internet explorer

If you are authorized to download software on a school computer, your teacher will instruct you on how to do it
My school has that to. You can't go on half the websites in the W.W.W.! Most of the sites that you are allowed to go on-need something to be downloaded. The problem is that the website you need to go to download the software is blocked! And you can't download it anyways!

But it says to ask your teacher, she calls up the district, and they add that site for a trusted, and Temporarily disable the "illegal student installation/download blocker". I have never tried it, but that's what the "you cannot access this web page due to having no educational value what so ever" page says.


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