Sunday, November 29, 2009

Got a big problem with both IE and FireFox and my PC. I'm not sure where the problem lyes?

it all started of with playing yahoo games and IE sent me a error message then it would close everything, so on peoples advice i change to FireFox. it worked fine for a week but the FireFox started sending error reports as well. I'm able to use the net but not for games because that's what i mainly use if for the PC for.. Today i tried to down java but both FF and IE closed down. its my sisters pc (windows xp sp2) so has anybody any ideas please. or if not is there a way to reset the pc back to its factory settings.

Got a big problem with both IE and FireFox and my PC. I'm not sure where the problem lyes?microsoft word download

Most likely you have some sort of virus, spyware on your pc.

Download avg antivirus (free), spyware terminator (free), and

spybot search and distroy (free). Google them.

Start your pc in safe mode (f8 when starting up windows( have to be quick)) Let the programs scan and restart your pc when they are done.

If that doesn't work, reinstall windows from your cd-rom (do not forget to place the drivers cd-rom in after you re?nstall windows)

If you re?nstall windows, make sure you have back ups of the files you want to keep or they will be gone forever.

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