Sunday, November 29, 2009

Why does my IE 7 crash so much on Windows Vista (HP laptop)?

for no reason at all, it just stops responding and the IE window must be closed with the Task Manager. Happens sometimes every 2 - 5 days. Sometimes several times in an hour.

Why does my IE 7 crash so much on Windows Vista (HP laptop)?windows xp themes

Try clearing out your Temp and your Cookies, etc. Vista has a lot of weird issues with these folders having weird files in them.

Just go to Tool, Internet Options. Under Browsing History, click on Delete. would hit the Delete All button.

Make sure you have all of your Windows Updates too.

Last thing would be to set IE back to all the defaults, again in the Internet Options area, under the advanced tab.

Also uninstall any toolbars or any other extra stuff that may be using IE.

If nothing works, I would suggest a reinstall of Vista, or install Firefox.

Why does my IE 7 crash so much on Windows Vista (HP laptop)?download windows media player internet explorer

there are various reasons why. first, some hardware is fialing or has incompatibility issues on it. second, some files are corrputed or missing which then you must reinstall it by going to finally, you can try to reinstall any add-ons since i have a windows xp pro and it freezes whenever there is a page with flash (i reinstalled flash and now it works. :p )
I recommend switching to Firefox. I can't think of it any other way.

firefox rocks. more and more sites are supporting it and less and less are requiring IE7 or 6 only.

I love the download manager, the skinnability of it. the tabs system is better than IE7 too. less popups too.

simple easy to use. straight forward. options page is easy to understand.
I agree firefox is the way to go.

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