Friday, November 27, 2009

Not including fictional people, ie Tooth Fairy, but what did you absolutely, positively believe as a that the moon was made of cheese or that eating the crusts of your bread gave you curly hair.

Maybe it was what my dad told me.... that chocolate milk came from cows who ate chocolate grass. Never did see any of that growing, funnily enough. ;o)

Not including fictional people, ie Tooth Fairy, but what did you absolutely, positively believe as a child?windows xp sp2

true so i don't want any da^^ thumbs down. I thought Catholics had very long nails, fangs and green saliva. My background is Irish and my uncles were Orangemen (strick anglican).

Not including fictional people, ie Tooth Fairy, but what did you absolutely, positively believe as a child?microsoft sql server internet explorer

That I''d be able to jump out of an airplane and land on the clouds.
i believed the moon was made out of cheese

and if you said you didn't believe in fairies, a fairy would die.
I truly believed that the moon was following me and that it was truly possible to dig a hole to china
I believed that if I swallowed apple seeds, I would grow an apple tree in my stomach. Also, if I swallowed my gum, my stomach would stick together! more....If I chewed on my hair, I would get a hair ball. Well, that one MIGHT be true!!
I was absolutely certain that dragonflies could breathe fire... I was mortified!

I also thought that if I tied pieces of cardboard to my arms and got my parents to throw me high enough, I could fly. I was really irritated when they kept refusing to throw me!
I used to believe that hiccups made you grow, and that if you ate a fruit seed, a tree would grow in your body.
That you can trust all family members. Found out the hard way with two of my uncles that you can't.
my mother would always say "some doing that or your face will freeze with that expression" when I do my funny faces
That if you peed in the swimming pool, the water would turn purple!!!!
that new sneakers made me run faster

also jumping with an umbrella was completely safe

ps - i love this question!
What you mean the tooth fairy isn't real - they're my accountants since they've got to make some money on the side, not enough teeth to keep them going with all those dentists around.
I believed that if you kissed a frog, it would turn into a prince!

I really did try it when I was little.

Here's one my sister believed, I told her that cocoa wheats where made from fish eggs! She never would eat them!!
that my family was normal
I was told the cheese %26amp; breadcrusts ones, too.
Actually, my sister once told me that marshmallows were made from whale fat and walrus blubber!! Eeeewww! I truly believed it and I did not have marshmallows for over three years! lol
I was so self-centered I thought that once I left a place it no longer existed, until I came back.

my sister believed choc. milk came from brown cows...
haha i like yours. I truely believed that babies came from the stork!
My older brother used to tell me the devil lived under the storm drains.

I used to be terrified!
I really believed that if I wasn't somewhere nothing happened.

People stayed in some sort of holding pattern.

It was almost like I believed that everything revolved around me. mean like babies just pop out of mommy's belly button? That was after the "stork" story!
I am everything in one,and I'm special,till now I still believe so cuz its a fact.
i totally believed that if you flushed the toilet without colsing the lid a potty monster (like a gremlin) would come out and eat me and i also thought that a sand box went forever and ever
I always hated milk so once when i started learning how to read, i read in a local newspaper that "milk gave you cancer", i told my grandparents and avoided milk at all costs.
Well, the cute/funny things I believed were that I could really dig a hole to China, that my face would freeze if I made a funny face, that if I swallowed a watermellon seed one would grow in my belly, and that there was a man on the moon at all times watching over us.

The stupid things I believed were that family would always be there for you and never betray you, they would always love you and you could always depend on them. I found out the hard way that it isn't always so...sadly enough.
That there were stoppers that came out of the road to make cars stop at intersections.

That when I misbehaved and my mom jokingly threatened to take me to the 'swap meet', (sounded like 'swamp' to me) I pictured a place in my mind that had evil trees with arms and mean faces and a boiling lava-like substance on the ground...

Driving along freeways and highways, I would look at the embankments of rock and scrub, and I thought that was 'Africa' because of the Sally Fields programs with the starving, leprosy-ridden children

What else...that my blonde-haired childhood friend Aja was actually 'Tabitha' from Bewitched.
My dad was Superman. Only to find out he was a guy who wore his tighty whiteys on the outside and wore a cape.
That if I was somehow able to put a little bit of cloud inside a bottle, I'd have to tie it down because it would float away.

That if I digged a hole deep enough, I could get to China.

That if I ate apple/watermelon/etc seeds, a tree would grow inside my stomach.

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