Friday, November 27, 2009

Connected to internet but IE can't work!?

My router shows that I'm connected to internet, but my IE still shows "can't display page" error message. What could be wrong? And what can I do to solve it?

Would appreciate if you could be as specific as possible, including steps... thanks!

Connected to internet but IE can't work!?nintendo ds browser

disconnect the ethernet cable from that goes from your modem to your router and connect is directly to your pc....if that doesnt work then maybe its your ISP so call them up...when IE doesnt work it could be so many things so its hard to be specific

Connected to internet but IE can't work!?windows 98 internet explorer

Go here
Navigate to Start%26gt;Run in the single line pane that opens up type

ping the_name_of_the_site_you_were_connecting...

If you see some activity and responses, then your connection is fine and the problem is with your browser.. you can type exit to go back to your main windows.. However if the ping does not give a valid response (server not reachable), then the site you are trying to connect to is either not reachable, or you have typed a wrong url

Get a decent browser like Firefox from the link given below:
Simple... reboot your router dear...
When IE can't display page, always try to get onto different sites. Assuming that you email this fm the same pc when you got your error page. If so you should be able to get other sites. If other sites work then the 1st site error is probably down and you can try later.

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