Sunday, November 29, 2009

I uninstall the IE 6,but when i search it in my files still it exist what should i do to remove this

by the way i uninstalled b'coz its not working properly,,,,im planning to install int again,,,,will it affect the new installed IE with this file still existing?

I uninstall the IE 6,but when i search it in my files still it exist what should i do to remove this word 2003

certain parts of internet explorer can't be removed they're part of windows

if you upgrade to IE7 it'll delete any remains of IE6 and replace the files with the new ones

you can get IE7 here

as a browser IE is poor a good substitute is firefox it's easier to use safer on the internet and less trouble than IE you can get it here

I uninstall the IE 6,but when i search it in my files still it exist what should i do to remove this files....internet explorer 6 internet explorer

You should have no problem, installing IE.
Go to and they will have the answer for you. Good luck.
No. Just ignore it. They usually do that and you don't have to worry about it. You can dump it in the trash if you want. Good Luck!!

P.S. Is this a Mac or a Windows??

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