Friday, November 27, 2009

Evaluations on buying welders, (ie) TIG?

Looking for a non biased, kind of like a Consumer Reports / testing on welders (ie) TIG.

I have not seen any, As a small business owner I would like to know what would be the best buy, when I would be spending about $3000.00 for a welder.

I want to weld say 1/4 thick +/- not a lot of bells %26amp; whistles.

I have looked at INFO on welders, just about like making a evaluation for buying a truck,car. Which I did use the Consumer Reports in 2000 for my pickup. which I found helpful.

I have not seen non biased reports on welding or machine tools why is that.

Can anyone recommend any reports on the best makes, models etc.

Evaluations on buying welders, (ie) TIG?ds browser

Try posting your questions on Its a welding themed message board. Ive been a member for a long time now, theres alot of good and knoledgeable welders up there willing to help.

Evaluations on buying welders, (ie) TIG?microsoft templates internet explorer

Ive owned some 15-20 year old miller welders they are a good brand superior over anything else, Hobart is next best though if you get a 300 amp or so you will be able to plow right through 1/4 mild steel no problem.
I do not know of any reports on welders that are not biased...what I would do is take into consideration the thoughts of others...

For what you are looking for, a Miller Maxstar would be an excellent choice and at about $2000 well within your budget. You can also look at the invertec from Lincoln Electric, again around $2000. Both have lift arc technology which ramps the voltage when you start welding for a "scratch start" type of system without a lot of the contamination concerns...also, the units are very lightweight...about 9 pounds for the welder itself for the 110 volt unit...I have run the 110 and the 220 and absolutely love fact, I intend to get one for the house this year.

I do not recommend going with other units because in my experience, I do not feel that they hold up as well for the long haul. I should add that I was trained as an inspector by the Hobart Welding Institute in Troy OH, and that Hobart and Miller are all owned by ITW and that my endorsement of Miller has no link to my being educated there. I simply am very satisfied with their product.

Shawn Barrett

American Welding Society

Certified Welding Inspector 99080511

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