Friday, November 27, 2009

How can I fix my favicons in IE and FireFox?

In IE, favicons appear and disappear at will (only to quickly be replaced with the blue 'e'). In Firefox, they are better, but if you get an update they revert back to the generic blank document favicon until you visit your bookmarked site again. I really liked that feature and I incorporate favicons in my web sites. It just seems like both IE and FireFox (haven't tried any other browsers) are a bit cloogy when it comes to this feature. Does anyone know of a fix or patch?


How can I fix my favicons in IE and FireFox?windows server 2003

this blog article is pretty informative about them:

it gives the code for IE and other browsers

note: I just made mine in GIMP and saved it in "Microsoft Windows icon - .ico" format (it's nothing fancy, mind you)

it seems to be working well though. it shows up in IE, Ffx, and Opera. Take a look:


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