Friday, November 27, 2009

How can I make my CSS compatible with both IE 6 and IE 7?

I'm building a website for one of my classes. The campus computers have yet to upgrade Internet Explorer. I coded the CSS and a sample page and previewed it on the campus computers, and everything lined up perfectly. However, when I previewed it again on my laptop, which has the new IE, the header art overlapped with the div center section. I read a bit that said IE 7.0 changed the way it rendered CSS, so I'm almost positive this is the problem. Is there a way I can make it work well in both versions?

How can I make my CSS compatible with both IE 6 and IE 7?safari browser

You're most likely to achieve cross-browser compatibility if you stick with standards-compliant xhtml and css. You also need to test your page(s) on the major browsers throughout the development cycle.

I'd suggest downloading Firefox, and get the Firebug extension. I find it best to develop my xhtml/css for Firefox, and then adjust as necessary for IE6/7 quirks. The Firebug extension makes it easy to debug and fix issues.

Also, try using the w3c validator on your pages to see if you have any errors that need to be addressed.

Finally, here is a good xhtml/css tutorial %26amp; reference site -

How can I make my CSS compatible with both IE 6 and IE 7?ds browser internet explorer

Iv noticed laptops tend to make some pages load up different when you code CSS. HTML and php run good on my laptop but CSS tends to look kinda funky n weird.

Home desktops work well. i still dont understand why.
Heh, heh. Grimey question. Lots of struggle (worldwide) with that. Four sources for study (but it won't end there...)


Cascading Style Sheets the Definitive Guide by Eric Meyer

Bulletproof Web Design by Dan Cederholm

CSS Hacks %26amp; Filters by Joseph W. Lowery

...Good luck!

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