Sunday, November 29, 2009

Wich is best: IE 7, Firefox, Firefox2, Opera ?????????????????????????...?

Ok i really want to only use one browser.

I currently use internet explorer 7- which i think is the best of all of them

I keep hearing that Fx is really good, safer and so on, but i did some reashearch and found out that its very unstable, uses more sytem resources than IE 7.

Yeah i know you can customize it but in reality, why do you want to do thatm i mean im not ooking at stock, receiving rss feeds, doing all that crap other nerds do.

The reason i say this is beacuase i want hands down which one is the best

but despite all of this, i want to know more about opera, should i consider it too

so which is best hands down in usage, performance, flexibility, safe-est

Wich is best: IE 7, Firefox, Firefox2, Opera ?????????????????????????...?microsoft frontpage

firefox 2 is very stable and is always supported. updates are quick if a vulnerability is found.

Firefox keeps the w3 standards for internet related technologies like css and dhtml. stuff that runs the web basically.

IE doesn't. as a web designer, It always feels like microsoft internet explorer has its own little world where they want everyone to conform to their standards. IE SUCKS.

ask anyone who sees the behind the scenes of how IE works, it's slow and not compliant.

Firefox2 is the best these days for PC.

on the mac, Some people like Safari.

opera? well. if you're willing to pay for it, (it's not free) so I don't use it at all.


hope this helps

Wich is best: IE 7, Firefox, Firefox2, Opera ?????????????????????????...?windows vista home premium internet explorer

Firefox hands down =]
I hear that firefox is 2 is very fast compared to IE 7
Firefox is probably the best, but I use IE
Mozilla's Firefox is by far the better web explorer. Firefox's interface is so easy to use and its speed and quality is at the top of the chart.I use Firefox 2 on my mac and it is better than Safari I would say which is substanially better than IE. Firefox is said to be unstable only because it has been a new project and bugs have been found. Although Firefox 2 is the most recent and has worked like a charm for me. I'd defianatly try out Firefox 2.
i use to use IE 7 but then i switched to Firefox2 and its faster and safer for what anyone does
Firefox has no match with ad on facility especially Speed Dial
Stay with IE7. It's what you're comfortable with and you're not going to find anything you like enough in FF to sacrafice for the problems you mentioned. The only thing I recommend is plug-in thing called in-line search or something to that extent. It makes the control + f interface more like FF's which is superior. Once you have that, there's no reason to worry about it.
I'm a big fan of Firefox, and I run version

The reason I like firefox better is that it simply runs faster and more efficient than IE.

IE has always been an inferior web browser in my opinion. A majority of websites have to be modified to look right on IE because IE uses special code for web format.

If you want a faster, safer internet browsing experience, use Firefox. If you want slower access times and pages that don't look how they were intended to look, use IE.

Opera is also a good web browser. It's my second choice to firefox. I don't use it as often because it doesn't have quite the features that I am looking for, but it is fast, clean and secure.

It's ultimately up to you.
You should get the newest Fire Fox. It even has a spell checker when ever you type on the internet.

Maxthon is 2nd best. Maxthon doesn't have a spell checker.
there's nothing wrong with explorer 7

IE has come a long way and version 7 has some really good features

if you're worried about security, as long as you keep everything patched and run a firewall, everything should be fine
the best and safest way to surf the net is to have One computer and two hard-drives. One for windows OS and the other Linux OS. (Linux is free) You can use IE 7 in windows for your everyday search or work BUT if you are searching for something and are not sure what

you may find, switch over to Linux and use Fire fox or Opera or Safari. most virus programs wont download themselves to the computer using one of these three search engines.Here is another option get yourself two computers one for windows and one for Linux. I use two computers I do all my online searching, yahoo %26amp; yahoo answers on Linux w/ Fire Fox and I do all my work on windows this way windows won t get infected
i like Firefox,

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