Friday, November 27, 2009

Why does my IE keep giving me an error and closing down?

When I download a lot of small items, my Internet Explorer keeps giving me this "IE has encountered a problem and needs to close" error? It's really aggravating, getting that about 12 times a day........ggggrrrrrrrrrr! Thanks for any advice you can give me and God bless you. ?

Why does my IE keep giving me an error and closing down?microsoft office 2007

Dear User,

It seems that you IE has become corrupted you should go the control panel and click add remove program where on the left side in the middle you will see a message in which it will be written as add remove windows components. You should first of all remove the IE i.e., by unchecking the IE box then you should click the next button your IE files will be removed from the windows and then reinstall the IE by checking that box which you earlier unchecked. The restart you computer and start IE again. If you experience the same problem then there an option that is IE is available as a standalone installation software and if possible update the older files too. then you should opt for the stand alone IE and install it , it will correct all the files which have been corrupted. And also as a standbye you should install Firefox.2 which is also a powerful browsing software and then you will be in a position when IE pose problems you should then switch over to FireFox it will enable you to continue your work uninterrupted. Thanks

Why does my IE keep giving me an error and closing down?windows media internet explorer

I would go to and download the latest version of internet explorer.
That's normal for IE.
i have gotten that alot before too. the easiest fix i found was to download the latest version of IE. you can find on on
u need to download the latest update from microsoft for your version of ie. i am using ie7 and no problems for me right from the beta release of ie7. what all u need to do is u need to update any software if there are any updates for it. this will solve many problems and u'll note significant change in ur system also.

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