Friday, November 27, 2009

Internet Explorer Question: My IE automatically centers when i enlarge text?

is there a fix?

i can't seem to be able to locate it in the internet tools advance, what is it titled (check box??)

please anything helps.. its just annoying how it does it.

ps... or is my IE screwed up. (Internet Explorer)


Internet Explorer Question: My IE automatically centers when i enlarge text?microsoft publisher

no fix.

dont enlarge the text...

Internet Explorer Question: My IE automatically centers when i enlarge text?microsoft live internet explorer

Ok, I had this v. same problem. Among others.

It's not fixable, sorry. But I'd suggest going to and downloading firefox. It's entirely free and much better than IE. First of all, it has less (if any) little bugs such as the one you're experiencing. It also spell-checks what you type.

Firefox is customizable too. From themes/skins to dictionaries to what it does. For example, I have a tool that will automatically translate any page into English.

Firefox also handles videos (like at Youtube) and other media much better and is a bit faster than IE. I'd reccomend getting it and saving yourself the annoyances of IE.

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