Friday, November 27, 2009

Is the new IE.7 good or not?

I have just got the offer to download the new IE.7, form microsoft, is it worth the trouble yet or is it a pain ?

Is the new IE.7 good or not?windows media player 11

i think its still a pain. some old javascripts dont work... it takes forever to load... i work with apps that open a lot of popups and the perfomance is pathetic to say the least. the tabs open much slower than on firefox, and the browsing is not as fast either. only reason i am sticking with is my clients coz they've moved on.

in terms of functionality i think its cool. the security is better, the tabs are nice. it looks much sleeker but the new layout takes a bit of getting used to. a lot of the "new" IE features have been present in other browsers for a long time and if you been using these other browsers.... IE7 is not so WOW!

Is the new IE.7 good or not?microsoft publisher internet explorerI've been using it for the past coupla weeks and like it so far. I like the tabs feature. Report It

Its better on security, but a HUGE change in layout. It has more features like tabs. Depends if you like change. If you don't mind it, go for it.
Had it a couple of weeks so far so good
had it for a couple of weeks its not bad
It is pretty good, there are some nice features like the ability to manage multiple tabs/windows. Also the status bar is more explicit about what exactly is going on when you're waiting for a page to load. But there are some annoyances, like things haqve moved. For example "Find on this page" and "History" are in totally wierd places, and you lose your File menus by default.
never like IE..i'll go for Firefox or Opera. Much better.
A lot of people are having issues with it, think i'll stick to firefox less hassle.
Its great I think.... My husband isn't too fond of it because it has changed a few things around.... sometimes I think he is going to throw the computer out of the window.....
I have it and it's OK. I did get my "Auto Fill" back which had disappeared into cyber space.
Nice layout etc. But it stopped my printer from working correctly.They are or were having issues with some HP printers. I uninstalled it, now everythings OK

It's surely having a couple ofthings your would like most. Just explore it and enjoy the new phase of Micro$oft !!!!

IE7 made my 2 desktops and 3 laptops crawl. after uninstalling got a big difference. not so user friendly. you can try downloading it and compare the difference with what you currently have. good luck!
If they kept the layout and just resolved the issues with IE6 then I would of been happy. It's a bit of a change and I couldn't be bothered as it seemed a bit long winded to me. I uninstalled it and went back to using IE6 and Firefox.

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