Friday, November 20, 2009

Can anyone tell me how to emulate IE in Safari (or Firefox)?

I have a document that was programmed to work only with IE 5.0 and later but I know I've downloaded an add-on to Safari (Mac version) before that allowed me to view documents that were restricted to IE browsers. I can't remember what it was an where I got it. I'm certain it was for Safari although if anyone has a suggestion for Firefox, I'd be open to that. Can anyone help?

Can anyone tell me how to emulate IE in Safari (or Firefox)?microsoft internet explorer

there are some features in IE that can not be 'emulated'.

activeX, poor code, reliance on out-dated programming tricks.

without knowing what's on the page... it could be any of them.

we mac users have Opera, and Camino that can attempt to fake out pages to make them think it's IE... but it's often not enough.

the only sure way to do it is using bootcamp and real windows.

even the old IE for the mac can't do some of the tricks that IE does, but you can get it from here

Can anyone tell me how to emulate IE in Safari (or Firefox)?microsoft downloads internet explorer

its called ie tab get it from

is it the looks u want?

it can be done too...

Step 1: The Theme

The first thing we need is an Internet Explorer Theme. The best one that's currently updated for Firefox 2.0 is the Looks Familiar theme over at

1. Install the Looks Familiar theme

2. Select to use the theme and restart Firefox for the changes to take effect

Step 2: The Icons

The next thing we need are window icons that look like Internet Explorer's:

1. Download the Firefox Internet Explorer Icons Pack and unzip it to your Firefox program directory (typically C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\ for regular Firefox of PortableApps\FirefoxPortable\App\firefox for Firefox Portable). It will create the necessary directories within the chrome directory and copy the icons to them.

2. Restart Firefox for the changes to take effect

Note: To uninstall the icons, just delete the icons directory within the chrome directory in your Firefox program directory.

Step 3: The Toolbar Layout

The next thing we need to do is to adjust the layout of the buttons on the toolbar to mimic Internet Explorer:

1. Right-Click on the toolbar and select Customize

2. Click Add New Toolbar and call it Address Toolbar

3. Drag the address bar and Go button from their normal position onto the new (blank) Address Toolbar

4. Drag the Search Box off of the toolbar onto the buttons window to remove it

5. Drag the stop button to the left of the refresh button

6. After the Home button, place a seperator,then the Bookmarks button, then the History button, then another seperator, then the print button

You should now have a Toolbar that looks like this:

Firefox toolbars looking like Internet Explorer

Step 4: Window Title

If you wish to complete the look and change the application from Mozilla Firefox to Microsoft Internet Explorer, just follow these steps:

1. Download the Firesomething 1.8 Extension by right-clicking this link and saving it to your desktop

2. Select File and then Open in Firefox and open the file you just saved

3. Install the extension as usual and restart Firefox

4. Go to the Firesomething options window (Tools - Addons - Extensions - Firesomething - Options)

5. Delete all the Vendors, Prefixes and Names (right-click Select All, right-click delete in each field)

6. Enter Microsoft in Vendors and click Add (or enter Mozilla for fun)

7. Enter Internet Explorer in Names and click Add

8. Check off "Use the same generated name in..." and click OK

9. Close the extensions window

Step 5: Miscellaneous Features

Internet Explorer differs from Firefox in the ways that it handles a few things. If you prefer the IE way of doing things, here is how to get Firefox to work the same way.

Favorites Menu

You can have Firefox show a Favorites menu tied to the local favorites by using the Plain Old Favorites extension. You can also hide the bookmarks menu by using the Menu Editor Extension.

Allow Copy/Paste

By default, Firefox doesn't let JavaScript perform copy and paste operations for security reasons. Unfortunately, this makes using some scripts like WYSIWYG editors a bit less convenient. You can enable the clipboard on specific sites to overcome this issue.

IE Tab

You can add the ability to visit specific sites within Firefox using the Internet Explorer browser rendering engine by using the IE Tab extension. Even sites like Windows Update will work.

Default Links

You can even add in the default links from Internet Explorer to fully complete the look if you'd like. Just create bookmarks to each of these links and place them on the Links toolbar in the following order.

* Best of the Web

* Channel Guide

* Customize Links

* Free Hotmail

* Internet Start

* Microsoft

* Windows Media

* Windows Update

* Windows

You can also set as your homepage... and the transformation is complete

read the page it has all links......
Take a look at this article discussing how to change your browser User-Agent value.

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