Friday, November 20, 2009

Can I create an internet shortcut for IE and keep Firefox as my default browser?

This is a continuation from a previous question where I wasn't clear. I use Firefox for 99% of my browsing. I do have a few internet shortcuts on my desktop (for work), that I want to open in IE, because their functionality will not work in FF. So can I make a few of my desktop internet shortcuts, open in IE, while keeping FF as my default browser?

Can I create an internet shortcut for IE and keep Firefox as my default browser?windows 98

Yes, you can place a shortcut on your desktop that will open a specific browser, such as IE, and go to a specific URL.

This page tells how to do it:

You just create a shortcut to IE, then edit the Properties field to contain the URL you want opened when the shortcut is followed.

Of course you will want to change the name of the shortcut so it indicates the URL that is going to be opened.

Can I create an internet shortcut for IE and keep Firefox as my default browser?microsoft support internet explorer

Yup, just find internet explorer in the start menu, right click it and create the shortcut.

Firefox 3 is coming soon and it will have fixed all the bugs so eventually you won't have to use IE.

Personally I Hate IE it's just lame, so I either use Firefox or Apple Safari.
Yes you can. Just go to the Windows bar go to my computer Click. Up top in the adress bar copy and paste this in.

C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer

press enter go to the iexplore icon and right click then

choose Create Shortcut.

Pow there's a short cut. You can still set Firefox as your main browser and still use the internet icon where ever you want.

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