Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Can I use M&IE? Decuct travel? temp (4 mo.) job out of state.?

This temp job, in my specialty (not easy to find) doesn't have high pay, in fact living frugally will take most of what I earn, but it will be great experience. I have some other income from my home state, my historic residence where I maintain a home and will return. I am looking at M%26amp;IE standard deduction and apartment rent as deductible items, even though I will probably not actually spend that much on meals. I'm wading through pub. 463, but was hoping for a quick and dirty answer from a knowledgeable person.

Can I use M%26amp;IE? Decuct travel? temp (4 mo.) job out of state.?windows xp themes

You maintain a home in your state of residence, but the issue is, is this location your tax home. Do you have regular income derived from your specialty in the area of your residence?

If yes, then the 4 month assignment out of state in your area of specialty is a temporary assignment and you can deduct your travel, meal, and lodging expenses per Pub 463.

If you do not have income from your specialty where you live, then this job does not have deductions attached to it, other than possibly job-seeking expenses. In this case, if the assignment away from your residence is temporary, you have no tax home, and no travel and transportation deductions.

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