Friday, November 20, 2009

Can someone tell me how to fix IE (internet explorer) 7?

I loaded up IE 7 because I was told it was better than IE 6. I'm finding that all my computer does now is lock up and I have to reboot. If there is a way to counteract this, I would like to know. I don't want to go back to 6 but I will if I have to.

Can someone tell me how to fix IE (internet explorer) 7?windows server 2003

the best alternative to internet Explorer is firefox. in my opinion better than ie7. get it at hope it works good for ya

Can someone tell me how to fix IE (internet explorer) 7?windows xp service internet explorer

go to and download firefox it's way better than explorer
Yes, that happened to me too. You can go to My computer %26gt; Control Panel %26gt; Add/remove programs %26gt; internet explorer 7 %26gt;%26gt;%26gt; remove

it will be removed and the older version of internet explorer will be back after rebooting your system.

Thank you.

Keep Smiling!

Understanding Protected Mode: Protected Mode is an important step forward in security for Internet Explorer =

Before installing IE7; possible install problems = +

Enhance Internet Explorer 7 =

Internet Explorer 7 support = +

Enhance Internet Explorer 7 =

Internet Explorer 7 support = + = IE-Vista - The first dedicated IE7 Site to go live

Windows Internet Explorer 7 Toolbar: =

Internet Explorer 7 - Step by Step Training Videos = by Marc Liron =- = IE-Vista is proud to have been providing support to Internet Explorer 7 users since July/August 2005. Its owner, Sandi Hardmeier, has been a Microsoft MVP since 1999 specialising in Internet Explorer. =

The toll free number for free IE7 support is = 1-866-234-6020

Control Internet Explorer Add-ons with Add-on Manager =
Download internet explorer 7 again from microsoft and install it again on top of the current one. All files that are missing will be copied and updated.
ensure that you upgrade explorer for for YOUR windows system,...2000, XP, VISTA, etc.

(but the guys are right...Firefox is great (except with Getright)

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