Friday, November 20, 2009

How do i make IE browser faster?

I have plenty of hard drive space but for some reason my IE browser is slower than before. Cleaned disk,defragmented everything I can think of. This was faster before but now is much slower, I have windows XP if that helps. I would really appreciate any help at all that you may have. THanks Charlesg

How do i make IE browser faster?windows mail

did you try clearing the browser cash and deleting temporary Internet files?? that helps , besides are you using the latest IE version " 7" , but before you have this think of Firefox too, they say its faster and safer , look at this table that compares Firefox to IE here :

firefox is a Free browser so u can download it and still keep IE too

How do i make IE browser faster?microsoft maps internet explorer

Alrighty, what you need to do is fire up IE and then browse to either of the following websites. Download either one and that should fix your problem! =)
Get Opera, or Firefox
Go to Tools:

Internet Options

Delete Cookies

Delete Flies
First thing you need is a high speed internet.

Add more RAM to the computer will also help a lot.
Ditch IE and switch to Firefox.
clean out your cookies--i use ccleaner [crap cleaner] for this it removes all temoprary files that are stored on your computer that makes it lag and plus its free!

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