Friday, November 20, 2009

More Firefox users than IE?

Is it just me, or it seems that everytime a question about browser is asked, most of the answerer recommends Firefox (Including me), and most of the answerer hailed firefox while booed IE,

More Firefox users than IE?microsoft office 2007

Firefox still has a very small market share overall. The reason why you see so many recommendations here for Firefox is that many of the people who would be attracted to Firefoxes' features are the same type of people that would answer questions on computer subjects.

Edit: Microsoft has put tabbing in as a feature of IE7.

Edit 2: To the original poster, that people are lazy is a suprise to you? Of course thats why most people use IE. There is also the fact that 80% of the people that own a computer are not capable of downloading and installing a new browser, nor do they care to.

Firefox remains a niche market, one that will not take over for IE. Until Linux comes out with a package that my mother can understand, it won't take over the home desktop. It doesn't matter what is better, look at the Mac, the Betamax, and all the other "better" products out there that lost to an inferior product.

I thought this was a question, not a debate. If you wanted to post a question "What is the better browser?" go ahead, but you asked if there were more Firefox users than IE, and the answer is no, and will remain no for the forseeable future.

More Firefox users than IE?windows media internet explorer

i have noticed a definate trend in firefox users..
Everyone I know uses Firefox. Why hasn't IE implemented tabbing??? I can't live without tabbing!! What do you love about Firefox?
Maybe its just general resentment of Microsoft? Browsers seem to be one of the few programs where there is a viable non-Microsoft alternative. We are still all stuck with MS Office and MS Outlook, so, its nice that there is at least some alternative to a Microsoft product.
yes, mostly people prefer mozilla firefox because of its additional features.
According to, Internet Explorer has around 600,000 users. At the time of this post, Firefox has 154,575,965 DOWNLOADS (not necessarily unique users). Firefox has been booming in use, and is crippling IE's control of the internet. I quite deeply believe Firefox is the hands-down winner here. And, person who was talking about IE7's tabbing: Yes, IE7 has tabs. No, they don't work well and they frequently crash IE7. Yes, Microsoft has to resort to copying Firefox because it has no good ideas ;)
yeah ie is more prone to viruses getting through than firefox. firefox also has more features than ie. for example... if u are downloading a movie on the internet with ie u have to wait until its then turn the off. for firefox you can stop downloading turn off the computer and then keep downloading from where u were last time. its much more convinient.
I try to suggest Firefox whenever I can. Safer and can be customized such much.


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