Friday, November 20, 2009

How Do I Remove IE Defender?

I was infected with this virus last night. I keep getting these pop-ups in IE that tell me I've been infected and then I am redirected to the homepage. I have ran AVG Anti-Virus, Ad-Aware, Spyware Doctor, Spybot S%26amp;D, Avast! Anti-Virus, Microsoft Defender, and my system comes up squeaky clean. I'm at wits end and I really don't want to have to resort to HiJackThis. I have Vista and I've tried searching for bDivX.dll and IR9V0_QCX.dll but with no luck. There was nothing in the registry, and I've scanned in Safemode as well. There is a free "removeIEDefender.exe" application that supposedly fixes the problem, but it isn't compatible with Windows Vista. HELP!

How Do I Remove IE Defender?microsoft templates

It happened to me too...I'm using Vista. This is the problem file:



For me, the "date modified" on this file was exactly the time I got infected.

Just delete this bad file, or copy it to a memory stick and delete the file from the System32 folder. It worked for me and I haven't noticed any problems with any of my other applications (but I'll keep the IntelVideoDivX.dll file on a memory stick just in case).

Good luck.

How Do I Remove IE Defender?windows firewall internet explorer

Stop surfing porno.

And when you do, use HeatSeek.
When you searched your registry did you type in iedefender or just defender?
your going to have to remove it manualy, do a search online and it will go into detail to how to remove it..
Remove IEDefender : IeDefender removal tool %26amp; guide

IEDefender is an extremely dangerous rogue software created by programmers from Russia. It may be installed manually (from or using security holes or. Once the IEDefender is installed, it will start showing fake security messages that your system is in danger and will trick you into buying its full version. IEDefender may steal your secret information (passwords, credit card numbers, PayPal accounts). IEDefenders work may damage Windows registry and cause system slowdowns and crashes. It may be difficult to remove IEDefender manually because it loads on every Windows startup and has an ability to renew itself if you try to remove it.

Use this removal instructions:
try this link, it may come in handy...I had the same problem and was able to disable it in Manage add ons under tools.

I locate IR9V0_QCX.dll.
Go to

I use that program.It works very well.

Block pop-up ads and remove spyware .

Prevents from any unwanted popup ads immediately and automatically.

Block 100% unsolicited popups.

Run quietly in your system tray using very little resources.

Smart pop-up and pop-under control.
IE Defender is actually quite easy to remove and does not require you to purchase any software. So if you read any guides on how to remove it, and they require you to pay money to do so, please do not do so.

A free removal guide can be found here:

Thanks for the answer.

Once I deleted the file - IntelVideoDivX.dll and a couple of other files that had the same date/time stamp, my Internet explorer seems to have returned to normal. I hope the problem does not re-occur.

If you have a restore point prior to getting infected, just restore your system to an earlier time, then the infection occured. It worked for me, and after i did a registry check and also i checked for all the files, that are mentioned in various help guides, and i found none. And no more pop ups.
Simple and free removal instructions using HijackThis can be found here:

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