Friday, November 20, 2009

How can i install IE 7?

Since i had to reformat to fix other issues i have had trouble installing IE7.I have tried all the usual suspects(Disable Virus,check logs of registry for errrors ect,ect )I got a icon place on desktop for support and have tried to no avail to fix install IE%26amp; issues.When i run the Program i get ....."Internet Explorer 7 could not be installed" Which has brought me here.

How can i install IE 7?nintendo ds browser

Don't install at all. Go to %26amp; download the latest version. It's A LOT better %26amp; has tons of great extensions %26amp; themes.

How can i install IE 7?windows 98 internet explorer

Is your computer Window Explorer capable? Try resetting computer, and check your computer brand.
Best thing you could do is forget about IE altogether and get Firefox (link in source).

Firefox is a much better, reliable, easy-to-use and nice looking browser that is much better than IE in every way.

If you install IE you'll wish that you had a Time Machine to just go back and sue Microsoft for making such a crappy browser - trust me. IE is well-known for causing unwanted problems and is annoying...

Give it a try and forget about IE :-P.
maybe you can install another web browser, like firefox or opera. firefox and opera is more efficient for web browser than IE, it need less memory resources. and work faster.

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