Friday, November 20, 2009

Not Responding error in IE 7?

Every few minutes my browser hangs for 15 to 30 seconds. Ocassionally I get a (Not Responding) error. I am using IE 7 Beta 2. I do not believe this is unique to the Beta because I received the same error with the previous version.

I have a Dell Optiplex GX280 with a G3 3GHz processor with 2 MB of RAM.

I hope someone has experienced and solved this problem. Thanks for any assistance you can render.

Not Responding error in IE 7?windows xp professional

Check to see if you have any mapped drives. Even though you are using Internet Explorer, a failed mapped drive in File Explorer can cause everything to hang whilst it searches for the path.

File Explorer - Tools - Disconnect Network Drive

Not Responding error in IE 7?windows xp home internet explorer

Your Internet connection is what's hanging I.E., not your computer. Troubleshoot your Internet connection (home - dial-up, DSL, cable-modem; work - network gateway/proxy server)

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